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Bas en Sax

voor liefhebbers van (bas)klarinet en saxofoon

Molenstraat 6

4161CJ Heukelum

tel 06 51721192


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mondstuk 1Design your own Contra alto Mouthpiece

Mouthpieces for Contra Alto Clarinet and Contra Bass Clarinet are rare and its difficult to find mouthpieces that have nonstandard facings or tip openings. Therefore Bas_en_Sax decided to offer 3D printed Contra Alto and Contra bass Mouthpieces according to your own design. You can order them by email.

We can offer a wide variety of designs and a wide variety of print materials and colours.



Basic design

The basic parameters are as follows:

comment Type
(R = round window
S = Square window)
Facing length Top opening
Light   CA-S-19/CA-R-19 26.5 1.9
standard CA-S-20/CA-R-20 27 2.0
  CA-S-21/CA-R-21 27.5 2.1
  CA-S-22/CA-R-22 28 2.2
heavy version CA-S-23/CA-R-23 28.5 2.3


mondstuk 2

You can order any combination of facing length and tip opening and also request your one type indication on the side of the mouthpiece.

Basic prints

We print the prototype mouthpieces ourselves and use PLA in basic colours (black, dark red or transparent) to do that. The current printer is an FDM type. 

FDM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf9BOiEdr40&t=50s

Advanced design

The list of parameters that define the mouthpiece design is long. In fact each parameter can be changed. The standard values are derived from a Bundy Contra Alto mouthpiece.

mondstuk maten v1










Explanation (all lengths and diameters in [mm]) Suggestion
Series "CA" "Selmer "Leo Bundy" "Vito" just text Add your own initials
Type "26-22" C* 3   just text Combine facing and opening
d_barrel_max 38 38.7 38.5 38.5 max diameter of the barrel  
shank parameters
l_shank 20.4 20.0 20.0 23.5 length of the shank in z direction  
l_cork 14.3 10.5 10.5 16.5 length of the cork part on the shank  
d_shank 32 32 31.2 35.5 diameter of the shank  
d_shank_cork 29.4 29.6 29.6 33.1 diameter of the part where cork is mounted  
ld_shank 3 4.5 5.5 3.5 length of the edge between cork and barrel  
Table and tip parameters
l_table 92 93.3 91.4 90.1 length of the tabel (in Z direction) [90-94]
p_table 5.5 5 6 6.5 angle of the table relative to the vertical centre line don't change
w_table-tip 20 19.5 21 20.5 width of the table at the tip [19..21]
w_table-shank 16 16 15.5 14.5 width of the table at the shank [9..21]
w_table_barrel 17.7 18.6 18.7 19 width of the tabel at the bottom of the window  [15..21]
h_tip 2.0  ??  ?? 1.85 the opening between the reed and the tip [1.5..3.0]
l_facing 26  ??  25 25 lenght of the facing [20..30]
r_tip 21.5  21.5  21.5 20.5 radius of the tip [20-22]
l_tip_rail 1  1  1 1 thickness of the tip rail [0.5.. 1.5]
beak parameters
p_beak_outside 33  30  27.1 29.5 angle of the beak outside relative to the table [30..36] 
p_beak_inside 27  29  27 28 angle of the beak inside relative to the table must be smaller then p_beak_outside
l_beak 48  46  48 42  length of the outside beak in z-direction  
r_rounding_beak 8 8 8 8 radius of the transition from beak to top of the body [0..8]
    window parameters
w_window_tip 17.6  17 18  19.2 width of the window at the tip  
w_window_barrel 11.6  12.1  11.2 13 width of the window at the bottom  
l_window 46.5  46.5  46.5 45 length of the window (the straight part if rounded)  
has_rounded_window false  false false  false    not vailable yet (10-10-22)
bore parameters
d_bore_top 24.7  24.8  24.7 29.5 diameter of the top of the bore  
d_bore_bottom 24.8  24.9 24.8  26 diameter of the bottomof the bore  
l_bore 60  58  62.5 55 length of the bore (the straight part if rounded)  
roudingfactor_top 0.6  ~0.5 ~0,5  ~0,25   [0 (flat) .. 1(sphere)]
chamber parameters
w_chamber_bore    15 16.5  17.5  width of the upper part of the chamber where it enters the bore  
h_bore_chamber    21   21  height of the opening from bore to chamber (the height of the trapezium)  
w_bore_chamber    12  11.5 14  (bad name ;-) width of the part where the window side of the chamber enters the bore. Often it is smaller than w_chamber_bore and creates a trapezium shape.      
smooth_chamber_to_bore false  false  false false used in saxophone mouthpieces don't change
has_rounded_chamber false  false  false false used in saxophone mouthpieces but maybe nice for clarinet  

ramp parameters
(the transition from window bottom to bore)

stepped_ramp false  false  false false   don't change
curved_ramp false  false  false false   don't change
lineair_ramp true  true true true   don't change
lineaSpecial parameters
l_baffle 0  5  5 5 The area of the beak near the tip. It sometimes has a during small length a lower angle that can easy the playing. It is used in saxophone mouthpieces  [0..5]
p_baffle 27  12  12 12 angle of the baffle p_beak_inside*[0.4..1]


Advanced print

We print the prototype ourselves because they need some post processing like sanding the table and parts of the chambre and for gluing a strip of cork.
We print in PLA using FDM technology. It is even possible to print it in meta see (see https://www.hubs.com/).

We can ship world wide.


Using the 3D printed prototypes is at your own risk. We think the risk is low, but we cannot assure that in all cases and with all materials. Some material can be toxic and also salivation in the mouthpiece can promote bacterial development. In any case, we recommend that you regularly clean the mouthpiece with, for example, alcohol.



The price of each prototype printed in PLA will be about 50 euro and is made up of 15 euro preparation and printing costs, 25 euro for postprocessing and 10 to 20 euro for administration and shipping.

Our own high resolution prints in PETG are 120 euro per piece. It is also possible to print it on the material of your choice at https://www.hubs.com/.

The price is made up of 90 euro preparation costs (needed for high accuracy rendering) the actual printing costs, 25 euro for postprocessing and 10 to 20 euro for administration and shipping.